Sunday, April 19, 2009

The last nine days.

I swear, I may not be employed, for other people, for money, but I do manage to stay busy.

Like yesterday. I made yogurt. (It's like, stunningly easy).

Heat milk to 185 degress F. Cool it to 120 degrees F. Add some yogurt (straight out of the store bought container). Let sit for four hours.
The hardest part is the Letting It Sit, as it needs to maintain a temp around 115F. When I start heating the milk, I turn my oven to pre-heat on it's lowest temp, which is 170. I let it warm up for a few minutes, then turn it off. By the time I've got the milk ready it's just warm enough to help the pot maintain it's temp in the closed oven. Other people do things like put it in a small cooler partly filled with warm water, etc.
It's more liquidy than you'd expect - but it solidifies a bit once it chills in the fridge.
I can't tell you how super-delicious it is, cause I don't eat yogurt... D had most of a jar for breakfast this morning, before he left, well before I woke up... so it can't be That bad. I'll let you know the verdict when he gets home!

P.S. I'm also making self-watering planters out of Rubbermaid bins, I've got over 2 dozen peppers sprouted with tomatoes and eggplant on the way, our backyard neighbors and I are going to be constructing raised beds, the compost pile is starting to really look good, I planted strawberries and rhubarb this last week, and I've got some asperagus that needs some dirt in the next few days... AND the two artichoke plants seem to be really happy... not to mention the watermelon... photos soon.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Quote of the Day.

M - Hey Kelly, do you like wine???

K - I like whinning...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Avocado, like whoa!

I can't decide what I like more, the potential avocado trees, or how they look all lined up before they start growing!