So we have two laptops (well three really, but the super old Apple- back when they were still Black- that was D's college computer is in another state and therefore doesn't count)... and they've been having fun making the rounds in and out of the local computer repair place. We only ever installed iTunes on the newer one (bought for a couple hundred dollars on eBay when JellyBean died) which D christened PooBean cause he doesn't like it as much.
Now PooBean is in the shop- and will be at least till the beginning of next week when the owner of the shop/the guy who does the soldering, returns from Haiti!!! where he's installing a solar panel project.
In the mean time- iTunes got installed on JellyBean so D could charge MoPo (his iPod Shuffle)- and apparently iTunes automatically integrates whatever music files are already on your computer, into your iTunes Library.
So way back in the day I allowed my brother to borrow JellyBean for a weekend roadtrip he was taking with a friend. Well his friend brought an external hard drive along with music and movies on it- to play on the laptop. My brother- liking a lot of the music- had his friend download his entire collection onto my computer... it was quite a bit of music, and knowing I liked a lot of it, I left it all on, thinking I'd eventually go through it and figure out what I wanted deleted.
The major problem with doing so- was the large number of files uploaded from CD's without any greater identification than Track 08 or Track 12, etc. No artist, no album, all it says is the length of the song and what track number it is. Some years ago I tried to go through some of these- but eventually lost interest- which now leaves a long list in my iTunes library of unidentified music which I'm slowly making sense of- by listening to the song till I can comprehend a length of fairly unique lyrics, I then Google said lyrics and relabel the file based on what I find.
The last four identified songs-
Time after Time by Cyndi Lauper
Shorty Wanna be a Thug by Tupac Shakur
LoveSong by The Cure
Warning by Incubus