Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thank goodness -

Thomas Friedman starts to touch on what really strikes me as disgusting about Sarah Palin's rhetoric.

When I was previously working for the wife of a career military man, I could never understand her passionate hatred for any and all taxes... she didn't seem to realize that her entire adult life, from the age of 19 when she married him, her children's life, everything she had, was paid for my the American Taxpayer who paid her husband's salary.

She hated the whole tax structure, federal and state, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and then employment taxes and business taxes when she tried to start her own business... she thought the federal government was the enemy and the state government not really worth thinking about... and again - I wondered if she ever realized how pathetic it was to hold such hatred from the overarching structure that supported her.

How can you have so much patriotic support for the military, to believe so strongly in the military's mission, it's absolute right to be out there, messing with the whole world, without believing in the absolute right of that same government that sends that military??? It's one thing to dislike policies, or practices, but to inherently distrust the government's right to exist at home, but believe in it's right to exist and exert it's influence overseas, is just hard to wrap my mind around.

However - Sarah Palin seems to be able to stride across that huge gulf of understanding and make it disappear - because, as she said, We need government to get out of the way of American success, while at the same time insisting that it exerts all possible oversight.


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