Saturday, March 14, 2009

Plant Markers.

I wanted plant markers the other day... as I was officially starting Seed Set #2. Not that at this point I'm very likely to mistake my eight peat pots of Artichoke seeds, with my three peat pots of Habanero Pepper seeds, but eventually (starting next weekend) I'll be ramping up the seed starting, two or three varieties each week, 4-8 pots of each variety, it's gonna be gettin' confusing.

The process started with my trusty typewriter (as most good processss do). I typed out plant names, spaced about an inch apart, in two long columns down several sheets of card stock. Repeating each name for the number of total plants I hope to end with (four times for each pepper variety, six times for each tomato, and so on).

I then cut up the paper and spread them out on the plastic sheets to laminate them.
(We won't get into why, exactly, I own a laminator, except to say that, like my typewriter, every time I find a reason to use it, I have more fun than is probably, strictly speaking, appropriate).
I then cut them out, again, yes the cutting got a little tiring. Especially considering the cutting standards I hold myself to.

Most of them got rubberbanded and stored for future use, but I deployed three right away!
Yay Artichokes!!!
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Ed said...

You should print tiny pictures of the plant that is marked and add them to the markers.


Meredith said...

Oh really, is that what I should do??? Well I'll tell you what you should do, you should shut your mouth, because my plant markers are perfect!!! least they were perfect, up until your comment made me realize they're not perfect...


Designs By Leigha said...

I am SO impressed! Can you make some for me?