Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Getting in gear-

Oh no- not in regards to Selma Lee- dear me- she's enjoying being neglected... I swear.

However- I did attend my first Spin class last night. Presumably the first of many as I begin my laze to blaze transformation for TransIowa. I guess since D outed me already there's no harm in admitting it... I intend to line up for TransIowa '08 or v4.0??? One of these days I'm going to have to start one of those insipid riding blogs, where I do nothing put talk about how much my legs hurt, and how my home trails are cooler than everybody else's- bonus points for pictures (but everyone who doesn't live in Alaska always losses the unannounced, but none-the-less important photo contests)... no really- neither are they insipid, nor am I going to start writing one :)

In more exciting news (does this demonstrate a bad priority list...) I've reached an agreement with my previous employer to purchase her business. There are some legalities that need to be worked out- but the price and assets have been settled on. Now to do the fun part- start the freakin' business.

Anyway- Dave can't make a joke of my non-existent company anymore- and I'm officially declaring myself Self-Employed- take that.

Thank you world- please come again.

1 comment:

Designs By Leigha said...

I love reading your blogs :)