Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bubble Wrap...

hides the cutest thing I've seen in at least a month.
What is it???
I've named him Horney H. Toad - after Jesus H. (you get the idea)... then I realized that that made him H. H. Toad, so I've been calling him H. H., which is somewhat cumbersome... details.
He's an early birthday present for me, from D, via The Worthington Gallery in Springdale, UT.
There was some debate between the cute little Horney Toad Lizard and a couple pretty yellow bowls (I'm not usually a yellow person, but these were pastel yellow, tan and purple and somehow it all just worked), but D said -

"yeah, but the bowls could concievable be used for something, you could eat oatmeal out of those bowls, the lizard can't do anything but sit on a shelf and gather dust and you need to indulge in more things that aren't, at all, practical."
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