Sunday, August 26, 2007

Jelly Bean

Having Jelly Bean back is like glancing at a moment of my history. She malfunctioned not long after we moved to Prescott Valley.

At the time two different computer folks couldn't fix her and we bought another and set her aside. When the new computer needed attention (read D spilled beer on the keyboard) I found another place- and in the course of taking it back several times (after they failed to replace screws and funny things kept happening) I chatted up the owner about what was wrong with JellyBean and he thought he could fix her.

So that's why I finally decided last month to take her in and see if he was right. He was right- it just took him three weeks...

Now I look at the links I had bookmarked, the files prominently placed on the desktop, etc. And I have a reverse sneak peak at what my priorities were almost exactly one year ago. It's funny- it's not like they show huge treads or anything- just the little things that had me fascinated at the time- the sort of things you've forgotten about and replaced with new interests in a year.

Then there's the small matter of the following picture as the desktop wallpaper...

That's a carbon fiber Tea Cup, folks :) After converting currency- I believe it goes for about $250 for the set- spoon included of course.

As opposed to our other computer- which has the following as the Wallpaper. Which goes for about $490,000- and is our future home in Silverton, Colorado.


1 comment:

Designs By Leigha said...

Nice, but wrong area of the country... (read NORTH CAROLINA)