Saturday, June 21, 2008


D - "God damned RVs!!!"
Going into The Tunnel in Zion NP, we had to wait while they cleared out opposing traffic, so this RV two vehicles in front of us could use the Tunnel.

A view out one of the six Tunnel "windows" looking into the Pine Creek drainage. To complete the 1.1 mile tunnel faster, they started at both ends, and created windows along the way, so they could dump the dubris off the cliff into the drainage below, instead of hauling it out either end.
F***ing RV - ahead of us in the tunnel.
And the vehicles on the other side of the tunnel, stopped, and waiting for the RV to complete his journey. During the summer there's really never two way traffic in the tunnel, cause often enough there's an RV on one side of the other (you can see one waiting in this photo) - and the tunnel is only wide enough in the very middle, for more modern RVs and tour buses to go through...
at least they charge them $15 each time they pass through... which probably only barely pays for the poor park employees that get stuck with traffic duty on both ends.
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1 comment:

Ed said...

You'd think that the outrageous gas prices would put a dent in the number of those mobile condos wreaking havoc on our roads - I'm with D, I HATE those things. One of the reasons I sort of wish for $10/gal. gas is to get them the hell off the highways.
