Sunday, December 21, 2008

The holiday.

I've been having a difficult time at work lately.  I just haven't managed to hit the right interpersonal grove with my coworkers...

some people would say that's putting it mildly.  Anyway - months ago when D and I were trying to plan our holiday, he expressed an interest in Not traveling, cause he hates to fly.  And I thought we'd do something together, and then after Christmas I might go Iowa to visit my family for a few days, while my sissy was in from NYC.  However, my boss told me the closest to Christmas that I could get time off would be January 2nd...  so D ended up going to his folks and I was staying here to work.

Now back to the interpersonal stuff.  I went to work on Friday and the schedule was up for this coming week.  I had Monday through Friday off, only working Saturday and Sunday.  I believe this might have been done for punitive purposes (typically in restaurants, the schedule is the way to reward and penalize people) because my boss certainly knows that I want a full work week whenever possible.

However - instead of being annoyed, I went home and bought plane tickets.  I get to go to Iowa for Christmas after all.  My time in town will only over lap with my sissy's for about 24 hours...  and my other sister recently moved to North Carolina with her family, so Iowa isn't going to be quite the same this year...  but I did manage to get the same connecting flight home that D will be on.  So I'll meet him in the Minneapolis airport in the early evening, Christmas day, and we'll get to fly back Home together.

Everything seems to have worked out beautifully...

except, I guess, at work.  Where my coworkers are all jealous that I'm getting most of Christmas week off, even though I didn't ask for it, when they'd all like to be able to go home too :)

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