Monday, December 22, 2008


And my flight was delayed due to lots and lots of snow...  they're sending me out tomorrow morning, so here's hoping...

p.s. Who knew about This website?!  It started snowing again and I was freakin' out, wondering if it was too much or not, but now I can refresh every half an hour and watch flights land and take off, and attempt to make estimations about the likelihood of my flight taking off...  I realize that doesn't sound terribly helpful, but it's comforting to me to feel informed...

p.p.s. The irony here, is that all the other flights from Missoula to Minneapolis and vis versa, have been on time, in the last 36 hours.  The only ones that have been cancelled were the first two flights yesterday, and the first flight today...  my flight...  again.  I could have picked the later flight when I booked, but I wanted to leave as early as possible.  Had I picked the flight that left four hours later yesterday, I would have been in Des Moines for about twelve hours now...

and despite the fact that flights are now leaving the Missoula airport again, I can't get on any of them...  instead, I'll be driving 2-1/2 hours to Kalispell for a 2pm flight to Salt Lake, then Minneapolis, then Des Moines...  hopefully, if everything goes to plan, I'll arrive about 36 hours after originally scheduled...

however, the really nice lady at the reservation desk did reschedule both my and D's flights from the 25th into Missoula, to the 26th into Kalispell, so I'll get to make up some of the time I was going to lose in Iowa, and D and I still get to return home together.   Which, is really pretty great...  it's still just frustrating to know that had I chosen a different flight this all wouldn't have been necessary...  blah.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The holiday.

I've been having a difficult time at work lately.  I just haven't managed to hit the right interpersonal grove with my coworkers...

some people would say that's putting it mildly.  Anyway - months ago when D and I were trying to plan our holiday, he expressed an interest in Not traveling, cause he hates to fly.  And I thought we'd do something together, and then after Christmas I might go Iowa to visit my family for a few days, while my sissy was in from NYC.  However, my boss told me the closest to Christmas that I could get time off would be January 2nd...  so D ended up going to his folks and I was staying here to work.

Now back to the interpersonal stuff.  I went to work on Friday and the schedule was up for this coming week.  I had Monday through Friday off, only working Saturday and Sunday.  I believe this might have been done for punitive purposes (typically in restaurants, the schedule is the way to reward and penalize people) because my boss certainly knows that I want a full work week whenever possible.

However - instead of being annoyed, I went home and bought plane tickets.  I get to go to Iowa for Christmas after all.  My time in town will only over lap with my sissy's for about 24 hours...  and my other sister recently moved to North Carolina with her family, so Iowa isn't going to be quite the same this year...  but I did manage to get the same connecting flight home that D will be on.  So I'll meet him in the Minneapolis airport in the early evening, Christmas day, and we'll get to fly back Home together.

Everything seems to have worked out beautifully...

except, I guess, at work.  Where my coworkers are all jealous that I'm getting most of Christmas week off, even though I didn't ask for it, when they'd all like to be able to go home too :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Our downstairs neighbor has, for some time, thought it a good idea to leave two old, scraggly couches, stacked on top of each other, behind the garage, in the alley way.  There's a wire fence with wood poles and a two door gate across the back of the property.  You can see one side of the gate, broken off it's hinges in this photo taken out our door...  apparently the snow plows do the alleys???

That gate is normally the way we come and go on our bikes, but I guess not so much today...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Here's a hint if you ever list something on Craig's List -

Tell us where you are.

Up here in The Great North, we just have a state wide Craig's List, and I can't tell you how many people list apartments for rent without mentioning, anywhere in the listing, what city they're in.  Details.

I'm also sick of people saying things like "Close to Downtown" or "Right next to the U" when most towns in Idaho are closer to my Downtown than these stupid people's apartments.  I'm going to realize you're lying when I Google Map the address, why waste my time trying to make me think it's somewhere it's not.

I don't get why everyone seems to get a little overly optimistic when writing up descriptions of real estate.  It's the one situation were the buyer will most definitely be inspecting the object of sale before purchase, is anyone really going to be like "Why you're right, this three bedroom, two hundred square foot apartment isn't small, it's just cozy, I'll take it!" or "The map says it's four miles away from the nearest paved road, but if you say it's only a five minute walk to downtown, than where do I sign!"


To brighten things up - here's a photo essay from our Thanksgiving trip to Yellowstone!

The boy sees something in the distance, and he's off!!!

Wait - what's that???

Wait - maybe it will be even more fun on ice!!!

And he's off again!!!

Finally - King of the Wild, at last.

(Please disregard any semblance of sarcasm.)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Mammoth town to the right, hot springs to the left.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks.

I work tonight, but I have tomorrow and Friday off, so we're going down to ski in Yellowstone, which required cooking food today to take with us, for a Thanksgiving picnic lunch on skis tomorrow.
D made a duck - but I took the video so I get to post it :)  I'm waiting for the video to upload, so it will be added eventually.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I voted.

(My actual ballot - does that make it invalid??? Outside our local polling place, with my "I Voted" sticker :)
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yummy, fat.

Homemade tortilla chips. 3/4" of Canola Oil warmed in a skillet on the stove plus cut up tortillas - they cook quick, and as I'd never done this before, I managed to burn the first few attempts, but overall, yummy.
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Monday, October 27, 2008

On a limb.

Using the New York Times' fun little interactive map - This is how I'm calling the Election.

Thank you, please come again.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Two things.

Two things happened at work tonight that amused me. Many, many things happened that didn't amuse me. But we won't go there.

First - all my coworkers thought I was fired, earlier today. The schedule for next week was posted and I wasn't on it.

You wouldn't think that that, by itself, would indicate someone was fired... but that's sort of how people get fired at my work, they're just no longer on the schedule... (don't get me started on just how incredibly wrong that is...)

So I got to joke with our manager, who came in to listen to the band tonight, about how the morning bartender had called him at 11am, asking why I got fired... only to be told that I was going on vacation, and had made getting this next week off a condition of my being hired. And that I was, in no way, fired.

However, every other coworker who looked at the schedule had to be reassured, individually, that I was not fired.

One even gave me a hug. I thought it was ridiculously funny.

(Particularly because another girl got "written up" for something really stupid the other day, burst into tears in the middle of her shift, and has been going back and forth about whether she wants to quit or not... and I got written up for being a few minutes late yesterday, and all my coworkers thought I should be indignant, or distressed, or something, and I thought it was hilarious - cause like, I was three minutes late... like... really, ya gonna write me up for that? - and they don't really understand my attitude. Which is, that our manager is pretty ineffectual, and if he wants to have a power trip by writting me up he can go right ahead of do so, it doesn't effect me, because it's not about me, it's about him).

Second. On said schedule, there was a note, "Servers who work Friday Nights should start thinking of a Halloween Costume".

I always close Friday Nights.

I love costuming. Dressing up is totally my thing.

But not at work. You're kidding me right???

But no. So I was giving the kitchen a hard time about how they should have to dress up too, when one of the cooks suggested I go as a Librarian... we'll disregard that Librarian is a really non-descript and uninspiring character, and focus on the fact that my mind immediately went to Sarah Palin.

I think I'm going to work as Sarah Palin for Halloween.

(With a big, fat Obama button on the lapel of my Skirt-suit.)
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thank goodness -

Thomas Friedman starts to touch on what really strikes me as disgusting about Sarah Palin's rhetoric.

When I was previously working for the wife of a career military man, I could never understand her passionate hatred for any and all taxes... she didn't seem to realize that her entire adult life, from the age of 19 when she married him, her children's life, everything she had, was paid for my the American Taxpayer who paid her husband's salary.

She hated the whole tax structure, federal and state, income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and then employment taxes and business taxes when she tried to start her own business... she thought the federal government was the enemy and the state government not really worth thinking about... and again - I wondered if she ever realized how pathetic it was to hold such hatred from the overarching structure that supported her.

How can you have so much patriotic support for the military, to believe so strongly in the military's mission, it's absolute right to be out there, messing with the whole world, without believing in the absolute right of that same government that sends that military??? It's one thing to dislike policies, or practices, but to inherently distrust the government's right to exist at home, but believe in it's right to exist and exert it's influence overseas, is just hard to wrap my mind around.

However - Sarah Palin seems to be able to stride across that huge gulf of understanding and make it disappear - because, as she said, We need government to get out of the way of American success, while at the same time insisting that it exerts all possible oversight.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby's first Challah.

As congress killed the economic package, and then dismissed for Rosh Hashana, it seemed only appropriate to make my first attempt at Challah Bread... bread baking being a good skill to have when the American economy collapses and we all return to a primitive bartering system as the Dollar becomes more useful as kindle than currancy.

I took the bread making class at the Yuppy Food Store last week. Primarily because of the four breads being discussed, two were Challah and Cinnamon Rolls... and yeah... can't pass that up.

However - the recipe we did for Challah doesn't make it the way I like it best... so I'll need to play with the recipe as I make more. Tonight however, was just to prove to myself that I could, in fact, make Challah bread in our house.

Adding all the liquids to the starter, with the flour on the left...

I intended to essentially* double the recipe, except then I accidently added to much water - so then, I quadruppled the recipe... four loaves. Lots of flour.

*I say essentially, because you don't just double everything and go to town, not everything gets doubled... when you're baking.

Time for the big bowl...

D took some action shots of me kneeding the dough, prior to it's first Rise.

Oh my gosh - so much dough - so much stiff dough that is hard to kneed.

After the first Rising. Which took longer than it should have, due to a less than ideal temperature in the kitchen. It was find after I put it in a puddle of sunlight by the door for an extra hour.

Time to shape.

Cut and rolled into equal lengths.

Got to squash the top ends together to get started.


And you finish off by pushing the three ends together, then tucking the top and bottom underneath the braid.

Three good lookin' loaves - starting their 2nd Rise.

4th Loaf in a pie plate.

2 hours later.

Having risen again, the third loaf had to be moved to it's own pan. And so it was the first to go into the over.

Above it goes in, below it comes out!

Within not even two minutes, D had already stolen a chunk.

D trying to catch the Steam coming off the chunks... not sure how he thought he'd do that.

The Pie One - alright, but not perfection.

Last two. Perfectly golden - not too dark.
All done.
The prettiest two.

Monday, September 29, 2008


More of the flowers from the Farmer's Market a couple weeks ago. They're all dead now.
Next to the door.
I pulled some seeds from a butternut squash I bought from the store and turned into soup. The seeds grew well, starting in Arizona during the monsoon rains. They really like high temps and TONS of water. Which is a challenge here... they've been flowering though.
Another flower - the squash are next to a street-side window - so you see the potted plants, plus the walkway outside, one story before...
Yay - flowers.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Quote of the Day.

Me to D - "You'd just have to supervise the goats so you could make cheese from their milk."

(after a month of thinking about working in restaurants, my age, farms, why I'm learning to bake bread, and super-gluing back together a one inch long rubber bison we got at a children's toy store for 50 cents, several weeks ago, that D had zip-tied to his handle bars as a talisman).

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's in there somewhere.

Where I put together my townie...
The bunker (handle bars and brakes, primarily, inside)

The work space -

Waiting to be cabled...

She's a Schwinn Mesa Runner (with a little beige coyote emblem next to the name on the top tube). And was originally purchased from Mill Valley Cyclery in California (according to a little sticker near the bottom bracket :). Maybe I'll have a photo of her all finished up, later.

D had to "adjust" the dropout spacing to fit the wheels we managed to find.

The Frame, fork, bottom bracket, crank and arms were all together, the rest we found, assembled and adjusted. Wait till you see the fenders I jury-rigged... it involved a hack saw and some very irritating noises...
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