Thursday, September 4, 2008

Quick Commentary.

If words aren't important... if they're just a blanket Obama uses to cover up his lack of experience and substance and Action... then why does it matter so much, as Ms Palin pointed out last night, that Barak Obama can make an entire speech about our current military involvement without using the word "Victory" once, unless in reference to his own campaign??? As they themselves contend, just because you use a word, doesn't mean you can make it happen (((cough - abstinence only - cough))).

And - having just read (from the library) the collected speeches of Woodrow Wilson to congress and the American people directly leading up to our involvement in WWI, I'd like to point out that even back then, he was emphasizing the need to not create a Winner and a Loser - that to create a lasting peace and not just an end to the conflict at hand, we had to have, not a victory where one side felt beat up and abused, but a cessation of violence where all parties could then immediately gather at a table as equals to continue a dialogue that would prevent a future outburst of violence (when that didn't happen after WWI we got WWII - you think today's terrorism is bad, think of it as WWI and ponder what a Terrorist WWII would look like).

People are throwing around the term Victory a lot - but nobody wants to define what that means... is it Victory to squash Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the Taliban??? Or is it Victory to create a world where nations peacefully coexist, despite obvious differences, for generations???

Because trying to squash the extremists groups that are in existence right now, without validating the underlying feelings of the communities that support such organizations, are just going to breed new ones - it doesn't solve anything and it doesn't stop terrorism or violence against innocents around the world...

so - what is Victory, because depending on how you define it, I might not want your Victory.

P.S. While undoubtably Ms Palin can Deliver a speech well, I found her speech last night to be a bit puerile and heavy on thin terns of phrase... also - you can tell when she's trying too hard and putting on the polish a little thick... it was funny because I kept hearing how "authentic" she was, etc, while I found her to be quite the opposite. In subtle ways you could tell where she really meant what she said and when she was focusing more on the showmanship than the meaning.

I think its telling that they keep comparing Ms Palin to Barak Obama, and not to her counterpart, Mr Biden. First, because she'd lose in the comparison, and second, because they're trying to say, without saying it, that while she pales in comparison to Mr McCain as a presidential candidate, she's at least as good as Mr Obama and therefore she really is presidential material (if something were to happen, ya know).

I think the Obama campaign needs to put her back in her place on the bottom of the ticket and make her go up against Mr Biden. I think that's an important step in showing the Obama ticket is stronger as a unit that McCain/Palin.


Ed said...

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!!

And now she's got those pasty, pudgy, Republican men all hot and bothered. Karl Rove was there, sweatin' and swayin' to the political porn. Imagine what that must looks like... ;-)



Meredith said...

Yeah - I try not to think about that side of things... I mean there's so much else to be distressed with, why go to the physical elements???