Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I hereby challenge the Sprinkled Unicorns of Evergreen to a duel...
with an angry herd of Iced Bunnies...  yes, you heard me right, ferocious icing topped bunnies!!!
With their fearless leader, The Pink Bunny...  made with the juice from some boysenberry jam, after I realized we didn't have any food coloring...


JenyJo said...

oh bunny heaven!!!!!! IIIICCCCIIIINNNGGGG!!!!

NICE JOB! And, you made them all on your own! My unicorns come from the lcoal bakery ....

perhaps we should get the bunnies and the unicorns together!?!?

I want some iced bunnies!

hahahahah --- D, NOW you have the proper FUEL for all that FUN!


Meredith said...

Oh dude, trust me, cookies taste better when someone else makes them :)