Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just like Dorothy.

I've been coveting pretty bicycle baskets for awhile, and while no where in Missoula had anything all that exciting, and I don't actually have the bike that will be my "commuter" yet - I thought I'd get a nice little basket in the meantime, to get me started.

Because some of the bike trails are gravel, and there's a lot of pot holes and what not, it was decided M'Lady the Road Bike was too delicate for Missoula town riding - therefore My Pretty Basket goes on PomPom. Handily, the tab for removing the basket from it's harness is bright red, and fits Pom's color scheme beautifully!
We picked it up at Missoula Bicycle Works while riding around town two days ago. The nice store attendant gave me an allen wrench and let me attach it, right there in the store... happiness.
I've now used it twice, taking it into a store, shopping, and then clipping it onto the harness and riding home with my purchases. Extra Happiness.
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