Friday, March 30, 2007

You do the hokey pokey...

and you turn your fuel tank around- and that's not what it's all about-

cause Selma Lee's came out- got cleaned- and went back in with a few new hoses and all- verdict-

Didn't make a bit of difference in how she starts.

Presumption is- the issue is one of Fuel Delivery.

Once I hit the gas and get her the requisite amount of diesel she'll run... so she's not getting enough fuel during ignition. This could be caused by several things. All of which are not going to be nearly as easy to deal with as the fuel tank.

I also can't find the biocide fuel treatment I need to keep the Algae (it's actually fungus and various bacteria, cause algae needs light to grow, fungus not so much, and the fuel tank is obviously a light free region) from coming back.

Either way- there was an issue with biological growth in the fuel, which was clogging the fuel filters... there was just also something else- which still needs to be resolved.

Doesn't mean taking care of the fungal infestation didn't serve a valuable purpose. Just doesn't seem all that important considering I still can't trust her to start when I get off work at night.

But that's the adventure I was delighting in- so, can't complain when you get what you asked for... or at least not as many people will listen to your complaint and empathize with you, and what's the point of complaining without a little empathy- so.

I'm going to go watch Grey's Anatomy, via though I really keep thinking to myself- Why on earth would the Elder Dr. Grey have had her house decorated like that???

It's like Country Charm... as differentiated from the much more sophisticated French Country... which almost would have made sense... her house however- was just a bad scenic designer trying to go with what's cool on sitcoms right now- which is the whole- old/dilapidated chic... which doesn't make sense in most television contexts, but certainly doesn't make sense for a world renown surgeon... really now- what's the priority of the set designer??? What ever happened to using the set to add to character development???

Is this just me???


Designs By Leigha said...

Grey's Anatomy at 1:33AM?

Meredith said... lets you watch episodes of several of their shows, online, for free... but they don't put them up till 2am Pacific time of the night it plays originally.

When I work on Thursdays I typically catch it online the next day...

Except this week it was a re-run.
