Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quotes of the Day.

"Does everyone here go to the gym???"

- Man at bar, after just hearing the owner (60-ish) talking to the bartender (45?) about a new workout class she's going to, and then when I came in, having the hostess (17) ask me about my training... and the answer is - YES - pretty much everyone I work with has a membership at the local Y -

including one of our pizza cooks (and his four month old daughter, who has an ID with her photo on it too!!! A photo of a baby on a gym ID!!! It's too cute to express).

Second Quote -

"I think someone over there is calling for you"

-Customer, as he pointed toward the other end of the room, insinuating that I should immediately leave the table, after I made a somewhat inappropriate, though appropriately vague joke to his wife - who was pretty much on the floor laughing.

I'm sure from reading all my quotes - anyone would get the impression that I was really, maybe, a horrible server - but I swear, I have a sense for this sort of thing, and I only go too far with the tables that can handle it...

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