Saturday, July 12, 2008


(post note - there were photos with this - but Picasa seems to not be behaving - this may or may not get fixed...)

I've been stealing all the pits out of D's avocados recently. I accumulated some 11, before D said I couldn't have any more...
I now have three planted in soil on the deck - and four still in water (note red cup on left in photo below)...
this is one guy I moved from water to soil today.

The recent Ben & Jerry's gluttony has paid off, in my moving almost the last of the tomatolings from their seeding trays (egg cartons) to larger containers. After a mass move usually one or two just won't make it - so presuming that happens, and then D finishes his last pint when he gets back tomorrow - I'll have the last ones switched on Monday. (And no - I don't want to hear any commentary about how you're suppose to start tomato plants in March - not June. I actually managed to make something grow - and even if they have to die this fall before they really do much I don't care - I've learned something for next spring).
Almost impressive - if in a pathetic way... six of the fifteen are Half Baked... we have strong preferences in this house.
My lovely little tomatolings!!!