Sunday, July 20, 2008

Self Promotion.

This was D's pathetic attempt at getting a 24th B-day Portrait :)

Also - the framed postcards and plasma-cut road runner are the only things left on the walls of our apartment after I went on a packing spree earlier.
Besides my tomato sprouts, I happened to dump a bunch of seeds from a Butternut Squash in an empty planter I had, and just yesterday, discovered these odd little green things... took me about five minutes to remember what on earth I'd put in it... like a week ago... Butternut Squash!!!
Also - if you look really closely - inside that sun toasted avocado seed, you can see the tiny bits of green :) Yay!!!
Finally - our attempts to find Cute, Heeled, Green Sandals proved futile today, despite D's accommodations. We did find some interesting and amusing things at a craft fair they were holding on the Court House Square - didn't buy anything, just wandered around amused :)

I still can't get over how hard it is to find green shoes... I don't get it - green goes with black, brown, blue (even Navy) and camel/tan... it's perfection for coordinating... why don't more companies make green shoes!!!
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Designs By Leigha said...

Happy Birthday!
What day are you moving to the Great North?

Meredith said...

D's last day is the 30th, get the U-Haul, pack it up, check out with our property management company the 31st - start driving north :)

FixieDave said...

happy bday!

Couldn't agree more on the green shoes.. Thought about getting some crocs but they look funny....

Unknown said...

Green shoes! I know! Like OMG I need more green shoes in my life!
Thankfully they seem to have recognized this aspect of green shoes here in Japan, so once I get enough expendable funds (you know, the ones not going to college loans), I am gonna get me some!
Happy Birthday!