Saturday, July 19, 2008

What was that noise?

Yeah - so D put the hibatchi on the glass table out on the deck and cooked BBQ pork chops for lunch.
A little while after he was done we heard a crash and ran out to find the 5/8th" thick pane of glass that we used as a table top had cracked and broken!!!
Who knew that was even possible!!! It dumped the hibatchi upside down and D ran around dumping water on the still smouldering coals... it was set up on two little metal legs to - so it's not like the belly of the hibatchi was right on the glass...
I guess that won't be making it to Missoula...
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Ed said...

Wow, that's crazy seeing thick glass like that broken.

This blog better not change just because Selma is leaving, it's one of my favorites for sure.


Ed said...

Oh and happy birthday!


Designs By Leigha said...


Enel said...

Happy B-Day youngster.