Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's always satisfying to finish our tax returns.

I don't know what it is, but I like doing them myself. I like getting just a slight pressure in the front of my head, and smiling at how easy it is to find the numbers I need, due to my fastidious filing the rest of the year... and tax code! Gosh I love looking up tax code explanations on the IRS website!

Oh - and I'd like to thank D for going to a school that costs over $10,000 a semester, we can pay off 20% of that debt with the reduction in taxes the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit provides.

I think I'm going to find the names of the congresspeople who sponsored the bill that created that tax credit and send them all a Thank You note!

(My last year of school, when we were first married, we didn't make enough money to have to pay taxes, once everything else was considered, so I never really appreciated the full fun of that one before :)

P.S. IRS, please don't audit me! I have an unnatural fear of auditing, it's up at the top of my list, just after BEARS!!!

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