Thursday, December 13, 2007


I seem to be using a lot of numbers recently. I tend to find them illustrative. So I'll follow that trend, the number of the day today, being 17.

Yesterday I swallowed 17 pills.

4 I do every day, vitamins, calcium, etc.

13 relate to The Teeth.

Anti-pain, anti-inflammatory, anti-biotics... my body seems to be particularly hateful at the moment. And this all seems very odd to me - someone who's never broken a bone, never been admitted to a hospital, never even been taken to an emergency room.

Besides one previous course of antibiotics, I've never been prescribed medication to treat any illness or ailment...

I have a pretty darn boring medical history - and I was sort of hoping to keep it that way... details. The thing that's really starting to get me down is the inability to keep to the training schedule. I was going to join D at yoga tonight - thought it'd be a good break in, so long as I didn't do any of the upside-down work. Only to find out he was going on a long run ahead of time, and there's nothing I Should be doing that I could occupy that time with. I miss the gym!!!

That's probably sacrilege to some - but I can't help it, it's right up there with tortilla chips, malts drank through straws, and anything that involves chewing with my molars...

oh wait - I forgot, I have broken a bone... I mean what mountain biker hasn't broken their collar bone, right??? Except I broke mine when I was in my first day of life... and it wasn't me, it was the doctors... guess I don't get mountain biking street cred for that one :(


D.P. said...

Mountain biking street cred? Excellent!

Unknown said...

Would Trial Cred be better???

D.P. said...

Nope, I like it the way it is.