Thursday, March 20, 2008


Between the sound of waves crashing and the molasses (humidity) in the air - I believe I've discovered why surfers take such a slow approach to life.

Southern California can really sap all the motivation out of a person pretty quick.  Not that - ya know - I had a lot to start with...  but gosh there it all went.

All I want to do is sit in one place and not move.

Plus - my hair is starting to look more and more like Carol Ann's dog - Fluffy.  I realize I grew up in humidity - but after living in the desert for so long I didn't realize how accustomed I'd become to it's absence. 

This is a good reminder for TransIowa - as Iowa's April humidity hovers around 65%


1 comment:

Matt said...

Wake up at 5AM in socal though,....notice how much warmer it is? I like the desert too, but I do hate how cold it gets at night.