Thursday, February 28, 2008

I always seem to miss the memo...

apparently it was Stupid Night at the gym this evening and no one warned me. These sorts of things happen when we're slower at The Wine Bar - and I get to the gym before 9pm.

D thinks it's somehow unhealthy that I refuse to go to the gym any other time of the day - he says it's weird that I'm uncomfortable when there are lots of other people there... he just doesn't understand, I'm not afraid of the people themselves, but rather, I'm afraid of overhearing all the Stupid that comes out of these people's mouths...

and when there are lots of people there - there's no way to get a machine far enough away to Not Overhear one or another of them.

I don't care about Britney's Boys...
Or whether or not you decide to go out drinking with your ex-boyfriend tonight...
Or who is totally getting fired where you work...
Or where your friend got her Oh So cute new tank top...

Oh - and Please, please - can we not answer our cell phones while running on tread mills or using ellipticals??? Can't you wait another ten minutes till you're off the machine... especially since your entire work out was a whopping 12 minutes long???

Like I said - it's not anti-social or unhealthy in any way... I just need everyone to stay at least six feet away from me at all times, and talk with "inside voices"... okay??? Good, I'm glad we had this talk.


Dave said...


Meredith said...

I will not succumb to the mental cop-out of an iPod. Can I play an iPod for a whole day during TransIowa???

I train not only my legs at the gym - but also my mind.

FixieDave said...

I have an idea.....

Ride outside!

I hate the gym!!!!

Well I do like to swim =)

Ed said...

I remember reading somewhere, a long time ago thus poor pure recollection, about a guy who trained for long endurance events by setting up rollers (or a spinner) in his basement facing a blank wall with no distractions available (iPod and the like). If he could "ride" that way for twelve+ hours then he felt he was ready for his event. That's training your mind or something ....?

Ask jj about me fleeing from a crowded community gym two weeks ago.


Designs By Leigha said...