Friday, February 8, 2008


Earlier this week I sort of felt like maybe I was getting a bit of something... like a bit of something in my sinuses... a bit of sickness. Then I rode my pretty bicycle over to the dentist's office yesterday morning, for a quick check-up and assessment (we're moving on to Stage 3 of Meredith Have Super Happy Teeth, which, you might remember, pulling my Wisdom Teeth was Stage 1)... then I ran some other errands around town...

when I got back, in the course of four hours, I went from A Little Bit of Something, to Shivering Uncontrollably with a side of Pounding Headache... and I don't get headaches... then six hours after that, my body had regained it's ability to regulate temperature, but still felt all achy and unhappy - didn't sleep much last night - but sort of feel better today.

This is only problematic because we're going down to Tucson this weekend. D does long ride with friends on Saturday, and we play in Organ Pipe on Sunday (which also happens to be D's birthday). I was going to do long ride by myself on Saturday... but that doesn't seem like a good idea. D doesn't want to leave me at home cause then he'll have to celebrate his birthday without me... (which is nice of him, cause more often than not I mistake his b-day for the 11th, and just yesterday I tried to tell him his b-day was on Monday... but he ignores my silliness and wants to hang out with me regardless)... he's a good boy.

Anyway - I think I'm going to spend Saturday sitting around Chad's place, getting sickness all over. Sorry Chad!!! Then D said I could meet them in Green Valley for dinner... apparently Green Valley had good Mexican food - which I would expect as it's 40 miles from the border.

The last time I was in Green Valley was over a decade ago - when my grandmother lived there... it's an unincorporated retirement community - the average age is 72. Less than 2% of households include someone under the age of 18. And it's over 98% white. And they have Golf Cart lanes - cause the older folks just drive their golf carts around, instead of dealing with cars.

When my family went there, everyone starred at us when we were out and about... like they had never seen three children under the age of 15 in one place at one time... it was weird.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hope you feel better soon, Marni's had a tough time shaking sickness this winter.