Friday, January 25, 2008

Can I hear it for the Fuel Injector!!!

They are going to order and then replace the #2 fuel injector - and only charge us their cost (meaning about 20% less than we would have otherwise paid - because they didn't managed to figure this out before).

I'm still irritated. They can't order it till Monday, it will arrive and they can fix it on Tuesday. I called all the parts stores in town to see if anyone else had one in stock - no dice.

D didn't think working on his patience was a quality use of his time this weekend - he has rented a car and driven down to Hell (ahem... the Phoenix metropolitan area) to carry-on with the planned bicycle riding and running this weekend. Let's all wish him a good time.


Enel said...

Does this mean the fuel injecor was the problem all along, or that it was ruined by the gasket leak, and they failed to fix it at the time?

D is a tool, I told him he could borrow my van if he wanted.


Meredith said...

They say they checked the fuel injectors before... but they seemed to arrive at that being the problem pretty quickly when we brought it back in... so, who knows. It was already 5pm and they rent cars straight from the dealership so I don't believe D was really thinking very hard - he just saw it as the quickest way to get out of there.

But I appreciate the offer.

FixieDave said...


Looking forward to Dave's Report and wondering how many times he well get lost this time =P

Sorry Josey's still sick... You get out and ride this weekend?