Sunday, January 27, 2008


To answer Whiskey's question about whether or not I rode this weekend...
this was a view off our deck last week, right after it snowed slightly.

This is the view off our deck right now. Note the solid white curtain of clouds that descends just beyond the last row of houses. I'm just not in the mood for riding in the rain today. I'll go to the gym later, if D gets back from The South in time.
I know it makes me a bad little "Enduro" - to bail on a long ride cause it's raining. But ya know what??? I'm going to make cookies now.
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FixieDave said...

mmmm I like cookies!

You get a rain check from whiskey!

I would just love to be the first chicka to get er done on TI!

Looks like we had better weather in Denver

Meredith said...

Yeah - I was salivating when I saw 56 degrees, on the weather banner on Ed's blog yesterday!!!

Now you have me wondering what classification a transgendered person would be expected to enter... if they built up all their muscle while they were still a man, then switched, would that be considered fair??? Does it matter how far through the operation process they are... are they a woman when they start getting the estrogen injections???

These are important questions for the world of endurance mountain biking to answer!!!

FixieDave said...

Woops meant to say I hope "your" the frist chicka to get er done on TI

My brian works like a skipped CD most of the time!

Meredith said...

Oh, but it's much more fun to contemplate the implications of the first way you wrote it :)

Enel said...

There is a transgender downhill racer who came in to all this controversy. Originally a man, now competes as a woman...somehow I don't think that is fair.

Apparently he/she shreds.

Enel said...

Here ya go

Chris said...

Woah looks like I stumbled into interesting conversation.

Rain riding is good but you have to get pumped up to leave the house in it for sure. I always tell myself I just have to leave the house and if it sucks I can come back early with a good excuse. Most of the time I don't come back early.