Sunday, January 6, 2008


We've been home for... four days. In that time I've done a complete cleaning overhaul of the kitchen. Edges and ledges and skinny corners that hadn't been truly scrubbed in the one and a half years that we've lived in this apartment are now sparkling and beautiful... and that's great. Except this is what my side of our bedroom looks like right now.

D made a valiant attempt at getting me up for Piyo Class (pilates/yoga mishmash) this morning - which included bringing the yellow suitcase on the right, above, into the bedroom and plopping it down in front of me, so I wouldn't have to get out of bed to find my gym clothes.

The other suitcase in the picture above, (you can only really see green edges, right above the yellow blob on the left) is also not totally unpacked. Except it wasn't from our most recent trip - but rather from my trip to visit my sissy in New York - in 2006. I hear there might still be subway maps in the bottom of it...

but the kitchen's clean!!!

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