Friday, January 18, 2008

Define "Soon".

Yesterday, driving - a light came on...

we're talkin' bout Josey the Xterra here. It said -Service Engine Soon. How soon???

D read to me what the Owner's Manual had to say about the light. Let me just say - I'm not a big fan of Owner's Manuals - I believe they contribute to people not knowing as much as they easily could about their own vehicles. Anyway - it said something or other about "mis-firing" as well as "exhaust control system"...

now what on earth is a person suppose to do with that???

Well - I asked D - When was the last time we changed our Spark Plugs??? We've owned Josey for a little while over two years, and about 80,000 miles. Now, our Plugs are suppose to last 100,000 miles but Josey was also previously owned... things weren't looking good when D confirmed we'd never done it. So I convinced myself - after some additional research online - that it must be the Spark Plugs.

I rode my bike over to the parts store this morning - bought some various socket extending devices - as spark plugs are just not easy to get to. I got four of the six changed before D got home - barely managed to replace the most difficult to reach one, but required D's "Man Intelligence" a.k.a. Brute Strength, to get the last one out.

And Josey still wasn't happy upon restarting. She's clearly mis-firing, she's rough and chugging when started, belches white smoke out the tail pipe, that irrelevant light comes on...

it makes me so angry - the idea that my car knows exactly what's wrong, but the only way for it to share that information with me is through an expensive mechanic. I'm taking her over to AutoZone in the morning - where it's rumored they have the requisite computers to tell me the precious code I need to figure this out. I was so sure I had the answer with the Spark Plugs it's sort of a vendetta now. I'm thinking it's the injectors, maybe... which are suppose to be even worse than the Spark Plugs... which I really can't imagine... let's take a look at the Spark Plug install - shall we???

This is what it took to get in there...
See those dust covered wires coming in from the bottom right??? Now follow them...
See them round the corner???
Where is that going??? Can I go there too???

The answer is NO... no you can not - not without the tool in the first picture...
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